How to sell on Instagram

Social Media Shopping: Quick Facts

  • 41% of consumers have discovered a product on social media in the past three months alone, marking a significant 14% year-over-year increase

  • 41% of Gen Z and Millennials make an impulse online purchase every 2-3 weeks

  • The impact of social media shopping is evident in Australia, where 28% of all internet users, approximately 5.3 million people, made purchases through social media in 2020.

  • Forecasts suggest a steady rise, with an expected count of 6.4 million consumers in Australia using social media for online shopping by 2024

Turning Viewers into Customers with Shoppable Videos

In the world of social media video production, content goes beyond mere engagement; it now transforms viewers into active customers. One powerful tool leading this charge is Instagram Shoppable posts, a game-changer for businesses seeking to bridge the gap between captivating content and seamless shopping experiences.

Social Media Video Production Sydney: A Gateway to Shoppable Success

In the bustling landscape of social media video production, Sydney businesses are capitalising on the power of Instagram Shoppable posts. These dynamic features allow businesses to tag products directly within various content formats, such as feed posts, Instagram Stories, IGTV videos, Reels, Guides, and Live broadcasts. It's not just about showcasing products; it's about immersing the audience in an interactive and convenient shopping journey.

Show Your Product in Action: Elevate Your Storytelling

Gone are the days of relying solely on static product images. Shoppable videos enable businesses to provide a richer understanding of their offerings. The ability to showcase products in action adds layers of context, from sizing and fit details to styling inspiration. It's an opportunity to not just sell a product but also the lifestyle that accompanies it. As social media becomes a product discovery hub, leveraging shoppable video content on platforms like Instagram becomes indispensable. In fact, 41% of consumers have discovered a product on social media in the past three months alone, marking a significant 14% year-over-year increase (Hubspot).

Better Customer Experience: Meeting Them Where They Are

For Millennials and Gen Z, social media is more than just a pastime; it's a shopping destination. With 41% of Gen Z and Millennials making an impulse online purchase every 2-3 weeks (gwi, 2023), integrating shoppable video content becomes a strategic move. By creating discoverable and shoppable content, businesses minimise disruptions that might lead to abandoned shopping carts, offering a seamless and enhanced customer experience.

Increased Brand Loyalty: The Power of Short-Form Storytelling

In the age of short-form video dominance, storytelling takes centre stage. Shoppable content becomes a canvas to narrate authentic stories of real people using your products. It's a chance to showcase not just the features but the genuine value your product brings. As trust and loyalty are built through storytelling, shoppable videos become an invaluable asset in connecting with your audience on a deeper level.

Social Media Shopping Trends in Australia: A Growing Phenomenon

The impact of social media shopping is evident in Australia, where 28% of all internet users, approximately 5.3 million people, made purchases through social media in 2020. Forecasts suggest a steady rise, with an expected count of 6.4 million consumers in Australia using social media for online shopping by 2024 (Statista Research Department, Jun 13, 2023).


The era of shoppable videos is reshaping the digital commerce landscape. By embracing social media video production in Sydney and harnessing the potential of platforms like Instagram, businesses can seamlessly transition viewers into loyal customers, creating a dynamic and interconnected shopping experience. Elevate your content, tell compelling stories, and let the transformation begin.

If you prefer the guidance of an industry expert, reach out to CactusCan Media Sydney. As a video company with a dedication to creating the best video content in Sydney, let’s collaborate together to bring your message to life.

CactusCan Media one of Sydney’s best trusted video production companies. Our Sydney based video content experts can help you create captivating and shareable video content that aligns with your brand’s story. By collaborating with experts in video content, Sydney businesses can ensure their videos are tailored correctly to their target audience



About the Author

Sarah Watts

As our Marketing and Project Manager, Sarah is the driving force behind our successful projects and campaigns. With a keen eye for detail and an unwavering commitment to delivering excellence, Sarah orchestrates seamless collaborations that ensure our clients' vision becomes a reality.

Her innate understanding of marketing dynamics make her the go-to expert for developing effective strategies that resonate with diverse audiences. Sarah is passionate about crafting compelling narratives and overseeing every project's journey from inception to fruition, resulting in remarkable success stories.


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