Why your corporate messaging is failing

Video Content Analytics Unveiled: How to

Measure the Impact of Your Corporate Videos

Corporate Video Content: Quick Facts

  • Incorporating more visuals in workplace communications could yield a productivity recovery of $1,200 or more per employee annually for companies.

  • A significant majority (67%) of employees demonstrate improved task completion when information is conveyed through video or text with images, compared to plain text.

  • Poor company-wide communications have demotivated over one-third (36%) of employees. *

In the dynamic realm of video content marketing, understanding the impact of your corporate videos is paramount. Video analytics offer valuable insights, empowering businesses to refine their strategies for optimal results. In this post, we'll delve into the key aspects of video analytics, guiding you on how to measure and leverage the success of your corporate videos effectively.

  1. Defining Video Content Goals and Objectives

Before delving into analytics, it's crucial to establish clear goals and objectives for your video content campaign. Whether your aim is to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive website traffic, or boost sales, defining these objectives sets the foundation for meaningful analytics interpretation.

2. Key Performance Indicators

Identifying relevant Key Performance Indicators aligned with your video content campaign goals is the next crucial step. Examples of KPIs include views, engagement rate, click-through rate (CTR), conversions, and social shares. Tailoring your focus to these indicators ensures a targeted assessment of your video's performance.

Utilising social media video production? Use built-in app analytics!

3. Tracking Views and Reach

Utilise the analytics tools provided by video hosting platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia. Measure total views, unique views, and average view duration to gauge audience engagement. Additionally, delve into reach metrics, including impressions and reach on social media platforms, for a comprehensive understanding of your video's reach.

4. Assessing Engagement and Interactions

Analyse engagement metrics like likes, comments, shares, and subscribes to gauge audience interaction. Calculate the engagement rate to understand the level of involvement. Evaluate audience retention to understand the effectiveness of your video content in retaining viewers. Additionally, assess viewer interaction with the calls to action embedded within the video to measure the impact on your intended objectives.

5. Optimising with Elevated Video Content Production

For businesses in Sydney seeking to elevate their video marketing strategies, collaborating with a skilled video production companies is key. CactusCan Media offers expertise in video content creation Sydney, ensuring that your corporate videos not only meet your objectives but exceed them. Their commitment to quality aligns seamlessly with the analytics-driven approach we've outlined, making them a valuable partner in optimising your video impact.


In conclusion, video analytics is a powerful tool in deciphering the success of your corporate videos. By setting clear goals, identifying relevant KPIs, tracking views and reach, and assessing engagement and interactions, you can gain actionable insights to refine and enhance your video marketing strategy.

If you prefer the guidance of an industry expert, reach out to CactusCan Media Sydney. With a dedication to event video production in Sydney and video content in Sydney, lets collaborate together to bring your brand to life.

CactusCan Media one of Sydney’s best trusted video production companies. Our Sydney based Video Content experts can help you create captivating and shareable content that aligns with your brand’s story. By collaborating with experts in video content, Sydney businesses can ensure their videos are tailored correctly to their target audience



About the Author

Sarah Watts

As our Marketing and Project Manager, Sarah is the driving force behind our successful projects and campaigns. With a keen eye for detail and an unwavering commitment to delivering excellence, Sarah orchestrates seamless collaborations that ensure our clients' vision becomes a reality.

Her innate understanding of marketing dynamics make her the go-to expert for developing effective strategies that resonate with diverse audiences. Sarah is passionate about crafting compelling narratives and overseeing every project's journey from inception to fruition, resulting in remarkable success stories.


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