Traditional Marketing vs Video… Who is winning the battle?
In the ever-changing realm of marketing, one thing has become clear: video has changed the game. The traditional marketing landscape, dominated by static images and text, has been disrupted, and businesses are left with no choice but to adapt to the new reality of video marketing. Why? Because consumers demand it. Here's what you need to know to stay ahead in 2023.
The Consumer Demand
Video marketing is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses. Why? Consumers want to see products in action. They yearn to understand not only what a product looks like but also how it functions and whether it might have any drawbacks. This quest for transparency and authenticity has driven the rise of video content in marketing. To back this up, data from CactusCan's video marketing statistics for 2023 shows that more than 80% of consumers prefer watching a video about a product over reading a product description.
It's no longer enough to merely describe a product or service; you must show it in action. Utilize product demonstrations, how-to videos, and customer testimonials to bring your offerings to life. Consumers crave an in-depth look, and video marketing can provide just that.
2. Entertainment and Escapism: Key Ingredients
One of the fundamental drivers of video consumption remains escapism. In today's fast-paced world, people still seek relaxation and entertainment, even when engaging with marketing content. Incorporating elements of humour, entertainment, or captivating narratives into your marketing videos is not just an option; it's a necessity.
We’re in a post, post modern society where consumers have seen every variant of ad, copy and traditional marketing video out there. Ads now have to be consumer-centric and leave the viewer enriched with entertainment, escapism or education.
Our research data about the state of video in 2023 indicates that videos with entertaining content receive, on average, 2.7 times more engagement on social media platforms. This demonstrates the power of infusing fun and engaging elements into your video marketing campaigns. Whether it's through creative storytelling, funny anecdotes, or visually appealing aesthetics, your videos must offer something beyond information – they must provide an experience. This approach helps capture and retain viewers' attention and, ultimately, convert them into customers.
3. Active, Not Passive: Catering to Consumer Interests
Today's consumers are not passive viewers; they are active participants in the content they consume. The data speaks volumes – a significant portion of viewers turn to video content to explore their hobbies or learn something new. This presents a substantial opportunity for brands to align their video marketing with consumer interests.
Over 60% of viewers watch videos related to their hobbies, passions, or interests. By understanding and catering to these preferences, your brand can become an integral part of your target audience's world. It's no longer solely about selling products; it's about connecting with viewers on a personal level, becoming a valuable source of information, entertainment, or inspiration.
In conclusion, the marketing landscape has been utterly transformed by video, and businesses that do not embrace this change risk falling behind. Consumers want transparency, authenticity, entertainment, and content that resonates with their interests. With the help of video marketing, you can cater to these demands, capture the attention of your audience, and make a lasting impact. So, don't wait – it's high time to reconsider your marketing strategy and take the leap into the world of video marketing. The future is now, and it's filled with moving images, stories, and engagement.
CactusCan Media - your Sydney video production agency. Our Sydney based video producers can help you create captivating and shareable content that aligns with your brand’s story. By collaborating with experts in video production, you can make sure your video content will be seen, heard and enjoyed by millions.