Tiktok for Corporate: Why Corporates need Short-Form Video Content

Social Media Style, Short-form Videos: Quick Facts

  • Short-form videos garner 2.5 times higher engagement compared to long-form videos.*

  • A staggering 85% of marketers consider short-form videos the most effective format on social media.*

  • Video traffic is expected to account for 82% of worldwide internet traffic.**

The rise of social media style, short-form videos has become a game-changer, reshaping how corporate messaging captures attention and engages audiences. We'll explore the significance of short-form video content and why they are not only thriving on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram but have become integral for internal communication within the corporate world.

1. Short Attention Spans

The human attention span is shorter than ever, making the succinct nature of short-form videos incredibly appealing. This bite-sized video content, usually between 10-60 seconds, quickly capture viewer interest while delivering concise messages. The engaging format keeps audiences hooked, providing a quick burst of information without overwhelming the viewer.

2. Corporates should Embrace TikTok

Short-form videos are no longer confined to social media platforms; they have seamlessly integrated into internal communication strategies within corporations. From training modules to executive updates, the short length of micro-content allows for efficient and effective dissemination of information. This shift recognises the need for engaging communication methods within the corporate environment.

3. Get to the Point Faster

By swiftly getting to the purpose and objective of the video, viewers are more likely to engage and absorb the intended message. Whether conveying a new policy, sharing achievements, or introducing a product update, the concise nature of short-form videos ensures the message is delivered without unnecessary fluff.


The rise of micro-content is transforming corporate messaging, offering efficient and engaging communication. Whether on external platforms or within the confines of corporate communication channels, short-form video content is leaving a lasting impact.

If you prefer the guidance of an industry expert, reach out to CactusCan Media Sydney. As a video company with a dedication to creating the best video content in Sydney, let’s collaborate together to bring your message to life.

CactusCan Media one of Sydney’s best trusted video production companies. Our Sydney based video content experts can help you create captivating and shareable video content that aligns with your brand’s story. By collaborating with experts in video content, Sydney businesses can ensure their videos are tailored correctly to their target audience

Sources: *https://www.yaguara.co/short-form-video-statistics/*



About the Author

Sarah Watts

As our Marketing and Project Manager, Sarah is the driving force behind our successful projects and campaigns. With a keen eye for detail and an unwavering commitment to delivering excellence, Sarah orchestrates seamless collaborations that ensure our clients' vision becomes a reality.

Her innate understanding of marketing dynamics make her the go-to expert for developing effective strategies that resonate with diverse audiences. Sarah is passionate about crafting compelling narratives and overseeing every project's journey from inception to fruition, resulting in remarkable success stories.


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