Video Marketing Trends for 2024

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Video content will continue to be the golden child of marketing going into 2024. It's not a matter of whether your business should use video in campaigns but rather how to make a distinct impact. To avoid blending into the background, it's essential to set yourself apart.

Here are 6 Video Content Marketing Trends for 2024

Roy Rochlin / Getty Images for Youtube

1. The Mr Beast-ification of Video

YouTube creator Mr Beast, boasting over 200 million subscribers, has reshaped how we approach video content. However, the Mr Beast’s style of video will not remain confined to entertainment, but instead transcend into the marketing space.

Mr Beast's success lies in his ability to capture viewers' attention from the outset. Applying this principle to marketing videos—eliminating filler video content and diving straight into the entertaining segments—ensures a compelling start. Engaging viewers from the beginning is key, aligning with Mr Beast's approach to keep audiences hooked.

Extravagant visuals and quick storytelling, hallmarks of Mr Beast's content, are making their way into the marketing space. This trend emphasises the need for visually striking and efficiently communicated narratives.

2. Silent Videos

In an era dominated by mobile browsing and social media platforms, silent videos are gaining prominence. Many viewers watch videos without sound, making it essential for brands to optimise their content for silent viewing. Silent videos, enriched with strong visual elements, captions, and subtitles, effectively convey information and tell compelling stories without relying on audio. CactusCan Media recommends incorporating silent video strategies into your video content to ensure maximum engagement, especially in situations where sound may not be accessible or preferred for social media video production, for social media video production.

3. Search-Optimised Videos

As the importance of video content continues to soar, optimising videos for search engines has become a crucial aspect of video marketing. Videos are 53 times more likely to secure first-page rankings than traditional SEO techniques. Google's integration of video snippets into search results underscores the significance of this trend.

We emphasise the importance of optimising videos for search by focusing on relevance, consistency, and backend optimisation. From answering consumer queries to consistent video content creation and technical optimisation, we guide our clients in creating videos that not only captivate audiences but also enhance search engine rankings.

4. Short, Sweet & Snackable Bites of Video Content

Short-form video has solidified its place in the digital realm, with over 90% of marketers planning to invest in this format. At CactusCan Media, we recognise the dominance of short-form videos in social media video production and marketing trends. However, we also advocate for a balanced approach that incorporates both short and long-form content. Long-form videos remain valuable for delivering in-depth information, serving as a foundation for repurposing into shorter, snackable bites. The key is adaptability, ensuring your brand remains versatile in its video marketing strategy.

5. Rise of Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and augmented reality are rapidly transcending gaming to revolutionises video content. In 2024, these technologies are set to redefine how users engage with video content. At CactusCan Media, we acknowledge the potential of 360-degree cameras and VR headsets to provide immersive video experiences. From virtual travel adventures to interactive elements overlaid onto videos through augmented reality, these technologies open new dimensions for creating engaging and lifelike content. As AR and VR continue to gain traction, brands can anticipate unique ways to connect with audiences, providing unforgettable experiences and driving tangible marketing results.

6. Social Media Stories

In the realm of video marketing, social media stories have emerged as a game-changer. Offering a more casual and personal approach, stories provide an unique opportunity for brands to showcase their personality and build a genuine connection with their audience. These videos on platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and more allow for interactive engagement through features such as Q&A sessions, polls, and user-generated content. Social media stories are a dynamic way to share behind-the-scenes glimpses, product demonstrations, and authentic customer testimonials, fostering a deeper connection with your community.



The evolving landscape of video marketing in 2024 presents exciting opportunities for brands to captivate audiences. By embracing trends such as social media stories, silent videos, search optimisation, short-form content, and the Mr Beast-ification of video, businesses can stay ahead of the curve. Whether it's fostering authenticity or infusing creativity into storytelling, adapting to these trends ensures a dynamic and impactful video marketing strategy.

If you prefer the guidance of an industry expert, reach out to CactusCan Media Sydney. With a dedication to social media video production and video content in Sydney, lets collaborate together to bring your brand to life.

CactusCan Media one of Sydney’s best trusted video production companies. Our Sydney based Video Content experts can help you create captivating and shareable content that aligns with your brand’s story. By collaborating with experts in video content, Sydney businesses can ensure their videos are tailored correctly to their target audience


About the Author

Sarah Watts

As our Marketing and Project Manager, Sarah is the driving force behind our successful projects and campaigns. With a keen eye for detail and an unwavering commitment to delivering excellence, Sarah orchestrates seamless collaborations that ensure our clients' vision becomes a reality.

Her innate understanding of marketing dynamics make her the go-to expert for developing effective strategies that resonate with diverse audiences. Sarah is passionate about crafting compelling narratives and overseeing every project's journey from inception to fruition, resulting in remarkable success stories.


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